The Wallflower Creative

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How Pinterest is your business’s new best friend

Why is it I’m doing every marketing tip on the planet but yet, I still don’t get the traffic I need?

You could blame it on the marketing courses you paid for, you could blame it on the social platforms you're using, you could even blame it on yourself for feeling like you may haven't done enough. But actually, it’s not you or any of what was listed before.

What your real problem is,that you have the knowledge, you have the social platforms, but what you don’t know is where or how to use that powerful voice of yours.

One word: Pinterest

Incomes the best friend you never knew you needed - Pinterest.

Pinterest is home to 450 MILLION+ users per month who want to be inspired. Pinterest is a place to be motivated to be someone you want to be.

Going to someones Pinterest profile easily shows, not only what kind of business this person wants it to be, but more about who’s the face behind the brand.

What’s great about Pinterest is it’s the perfect place to share your voice. You can visually show your audience what your business/brand is all about in the matter of seconds.

But your are probably wondering, isn't there a lot of other platforms that can do the exact same thing?

Well, it’s a good thing you asked because this post is going to explain just that with some saucy facts & figures on the side.

But what you need to consider while reading or scanning this post (I see you scanners ) is your business objective - what do YOU want to get out of Pinterest? What's your takeaway?

Now it could be your objective is to have Pinterest be your main source of traffic or you want to promote particular products more on Pinterest.

Whatever it is, you need to consider in what way will it boost your businesses exposure, especially if you have a creative business. How will it benefit your creative career? Is it the right platform for you to be focusing more on right now?

So how can I use my voice on Pinterest & are you going to teach me?

Yes, I can try my utmost best to teach you the best tips & tricks I know, right here on this blog. But, it’s down to you whether you want to apply the advice given to both yourself & your business.

If you're willing to do that, then it’s a done deal, my friend! I’ll be the female Yoda to your Luke Skywalker (air high five to all the star wars fans reading this).

So now that we’ve got the student & master thing sorted (lol) first you need to know where your audience is. You can’t speak up or express your message to others if no one is listening - especially if you're preaching to the wrong crowd.

So where do I find my audience, you ask? Well, let’s dive into some facts/statics so you can see where you perfectly fit in.

Is my target audience even on Pinterest?

According to the latest data from Pinterest and other sources, this is the most current demographic of Pinterest users in 2021.

Did you know:

  • 6 out of 10 Pinterest users are women & that 80% of U.S. millenial women are one Pinterest

  • 50% of New Signups are Men as of 2021; 60% New Signups are Women.

  • Weekly conversions on Pinterest grew by 300% last year

  • Pinterest demographics are up 50% year-over-year for Gen Z and 35% year-over-year for Millennials

  • Around 50% of Pinterest users live outside of the U.S

If you are considering adding Pinterest to your social media marketing list, then you will want to know where you can find your niche & how popular the niche is. To do that Pinterest has created a top 100 trend list for 2021 which I will link here so you can see where your niche fits in on the Pinterest spectrum.

What’s the Pinterest business statics look like?

The benefits your business can gain from Pinterest is some of the collected data below from the latest sources that are the most current demographic of Pinterest 2019.

Did you know:

  • 85% of users have bought something based on Pins they see from brands

  • Pinterest generated nearly $1.4 billion in advertising in 2020

  • Advertisers can reach more than 200 million people on Pinterest

  • Pinterest ads are 2.3x cheaper per conversion than other social media ads

  • Pinterest is the number one social media in terms of mobile engagement.

  • Over 5% of all referral traffic to websites comes from Pinterest.

  • Pinterest is #1 for mobile social media, with 64% of referral traffic being driven by smartphones and tablets.

How can I know for sure that Pinterest will benefit me?

You don’t. Making an investment in anything as a creative business owner is a scary risk, because if it goes wrong, then the only person to blame it on is yourself, unfortunately. But, there does come a time where you need to find out whether the shoe fits or not & the only way you’ll know is if you try it on.

So to help you make that big decision, what you need to refer back to is your business objective - the WHAT will I get out of this question.

Then make a conclusive decision whether the Pinterest platform or any platform can REALLY provide you with the answer you need - that’s when you will know you're in the right place.

At the end of the day, you want to be where the lit party is at, where your people are at! Not stuck at a party that your friend THINKS is going to be lit, but only then turns out to be a total flop & you're stuck with a bunch of strangers that aren’t your kind of people at all.

As a creative business owner, you want to avoid being attracted or attracting the wrong crowd at all costs.

Do your research but at the same time try not to overwhelm yourself with too much information. Instead, actually, go & SEE for yourself what competitors in your niche are doing on a platform like Pinterest. Follow them, see how they're growing, influencing others & how you can apply certain things they do, to your own Pinterest.

If you’re brave enough, contact them & briefly but politely ask how Pinterest benefits their business (please if you do this, please don’t over spam the person with questions because it most likely will come off annoying to them) & you might get the answer you need to make a full investment on the Pinterest platform.

Also, don’t be afraid to contact me if you feel like you need a better understanding of the platform, I’ll be more than happy to help.

In the meantime, you can also sign up for my weekly newsletter down below, where I'll update you on my latest blog posts which provide my top Pinterest tips & exclusive freebies to help you on your Pinterest journey.

So when should I start using Pinterest?

Today! Don’t worry Pinterest is quite simple to put together, you just need someone to show you the guidelines & lucky for you, you have moi! I’ll be along every step of the way helping you finesse the heck out of Pinterest.

This is why my first step to helping you is this lovely article which I think you’ll like called 10 ways you can SEO proof your Pinterest. This should help you master the start of your Pinterest journey. There is also a pretty awesome freebie to help you level up your Pinterest profile as well.

So go ahead, start today! Because the best way to train that beautiful voice of yours is to tell those doubts & fears that you have to buzz right off & just go for it. Don’t let them hold you back from something that can bring you success.

You have a voice, go use it!

Don’t Forget to pin me ↓

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