The Wallflower Creative

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How using Pinterest made my clients website go viral!

*Please note that this post contains affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward me a small commission – at no extra cost for you.

Is this the right place for me?

Now I know many of you may ponder this question all the time & since I started my business I find myself being haunted by the same question, is this the right place for me?

I find I’m constantly not only questioning myself these days but challenging myself in the decisions I make for myself & my business - especially the platforms I’m using to share my voice.

I get frustrated a lot because I don’t know whether the social platform I’m using will help get me the traffic I need. Heck, it takes so much of your time just trying to build up a following, that after I gain followers, I now have to strategise a plan to figure out how to get them to point A to B & then how I can get them to keep returning.

I’m going to be real with you guys… social media marketing is hard. Especially if you find you're lost in the wrong crowd, no ones listening, you can’t make the connections you need & all you feel like doing is just giving up. Well, I got a message for you…DON’T!

As a freelancer/ crazed perfectionist (I don’t know if you feel the same way as I do) but I feel like I always need reassurance in what I’m doing. So that’s why in this post today I’m going to give you the reassurance you need on what platform you need in your business, how that platform helped to level up my clients business & how it can do the same for you.

Welcome to your new platform - Pinterest!

So a lot of you should know the Pinterest platform since that’s why you’re here. But you should also know the facts of Pinterest, just so I can put it in perspective for you.

Pinterest is home to 450 million+ users worldwide! Its the millennial’s most used app along side Instagram & it even drives more than 33 percent more traffic than Facebook, Twitter & Snapchat!

Pinterest isn’t just your regular social media platform. It’s a marketing machine that you can wield into your very own marketing weapon.

To learn more of the facts & benefits of Pinterest for your business, you might like to read my article How Pinterest is your business's new best friend.

So since we're talking facts & figures, I’m going to show you why you need Pinterest & I’m going to do that by showing you figures from my clients very own Pinterest from before I worked my Pinterest magic on it & after I used my Pinterest magic on it.

Show me the recipe for Pinterest success

So to show you the results I’ll be showing you the Pinterest analytics (which you can get when you convert your Pinterest account from personal to business) from my awesome client Nesha Woolery of, which she has kindly allowed me to show you.

Monthly viewers & monthly engaged

First of monthly viewers & monthly engaged. For those of you who don’t know what they both mean. Here is the definition:

Monthly views - the number of viewers that come to your Pinterest profile each month.

Monthly engaged - the viewers that don’t only visit your page but are also regularly engaged with the content that you post too.

Past data:

As you can see, this data is from is the begging of June 2018 when I first started working with Nesha. The numbers aren’t terrible, but they aren’t great either.

Having monthly views like this is okay, but if your monthly engagement looks this then, that's telling you something. You need to step up your content, adjust your Pinterest schedule so you can post more & join more niched group boards to find more viewers who actually want to engage.

Present data:

Now if you look at this screenshot, this is of the present. Both her monthly views & engagement went up tremendously & are still growing more & more each day. Do you want to know how I got Nesha’s numbers up? Simple, I did everything I stated in the above paragraph.

I completely changed her whole schedule through the use of Tailwind (scheduling tool), made sure she was pinning at the right times for her audience, got involved with some really great & niched group boards, posted tons of fresh & new content daily, joined tailwind communities & boom! Here we are today.

By the way, if you don’t know what Tailwind communities are, they’re basically like group boards. You post your original content in communities suited to your niche. From there other businesses, then share your content through their own Pinterest boards & group boards.

Just remember to do the same back with their content - it’s a win, win for everybody. Sign up here to join Tailwind communities today! You won’t regret it.

Avg. Monthly Impressions & avg. daily views

Next, we have monthly impressions & daily views.

Avg. daily impressions - the number of times that your pins get seen on the Pinterest home feed, category feeds & search, but the person didn’t save or click on the pin, they just scrolled on & off your pin.

Avg. daily viewers - the viewers who have seen your pins in the last 30 days. This includes all pins you saved to Pinterest, plus any pins other people saved from your website & linked accounts.

Past data:

From the data above you can see both impressions and views are dropping by the day. This is not good because this means your content isn’t getting enough exposure, meaning your business isn’t getting enough spotlight.

How can we improve that? Let look at the next piece of data.

Present data:

Now looking at these numbers you can see a BIG change! How did I help Nesha do this? Well if you want more exposure & more views, the best advice I can give you is to stay consistent.

Consistency is the key to getting more & more people intrigued as to who you are & what you are trying to show to them. In a way, you’ve got to become a virus, but a positive one.

Try finding group boards & Tailwind communites tailored to your niche & make sure you're always posting your original content at least 3 pins a day on each board (don’t pin to more than 10 though) & spreading anywhere between 5-10 pins a day in each communites you're in.

Also, don’t forget to do the kind thing & re-pin others work as well - fairs, fair.

Avg. daily Clicks & avg. daily visitors

Now the most important part - clicks!

Avg. daily clicks - the number of clicks on Pins from your profile

Avg. daily visitors - the number of viewers who visit your website FROM Pinterest

Past data:

So as you can see from the above data, it does not look good. 31 slowly going down to 27 clicks is a call for help.

If your average daily clicks are 31 or less, then you need a new strategy to get viewers clicking. How? Let me show you how.

Present data:

Well, would you look at that! From 31 to 279 & it is now in a good range for her clicks to start growing even more to the average level of 300+ clicks daily.

How did her clicks go up? They went up because of again…consistency. But this time it’s not only me playing my part in sharing all her work in every tailored nook & cranny I can find. Fortunately, she stays consistent with her blog posts too.

Even if she hasn’t created a new blog post, I can still re-schedule her older posts or better yet change the pin covers or titles on the old pin covers so they look like new posts when they're actually just older ones that look newly refined & fresh.

So what if I don’t have a blog?

A blog is preferable because people love to read free & new content from their favourite influencers, but it’s not a major necessity. Many companies use Pinterest to sell & promote their products instead of using it for promoting their online articles.

But again it depends on whether you're, selling your product in the right place. If you’re an e-commerce business, then there are some great opportunities for you. But if you’re trying to sell something like car insurance, then you might want to consider a different platform.

I don’t think I have the time to learn & understand a new platform

Don’t worry, that’s why I’m here. The results you saw above didn’t magically happen overnight. They took hard work, a lot of patience & dedication, but that’s what I’m willing to do to help my fellow creative business thrive!

So if you don’t have the time to understand a completely new platform or maybe you can, but you feel like you need an expert who can add that extra finesse to your platform & strategise plans for you, without you lifting a finger - then I’m your girl.

Want to learn more about my services? Then head on over to my services page to find out more.

In the meantime, if you do have the time to learn about Pinterest, then please stay tuned for more blog posts to come where I’ll be teaching my top Pinterest tips & how you can apply them to your business.

In fact, here's one of my recent posts 10 ways you can SEO proof your Pinterest. This should help you with the first steps of your Pinterest journey.

Overall how will Pinterest impact my business?

To give you that answer I’ll let Nesha answer that for you with her wonderful, kind testimonial she wrote about how Pinterest has affected her business & how I helped.

“Before I hired Tia, I had someone else in charge of Pinterest but my stats were getting lower and lower every month. I hired Tia because I know how passionate she is about Pinterest marketing and how smart she is with her strategy, and I knew she could help me get me more organic traffic from Pinterest. It totally paid off! I went from getting just 353,732 visitors per day from Pinterest, to getting 5.2 million!! And I went from 10,313 monthly engaged viewers to 241,825! SO many of my pins started going viral too! I have new customers and Facebook group members telling me they found me through Pinterest, so I know Tia’s strategy works. Hire her, you won’t regret it.”

-Nesha Woolery of

So is Pinterest the right place for me?

Pinterest is a new home for me. It's lead both me & my client to gain such support in our businesses.

It’s given my client the exposure she needed to boost up her traffic, get more clients & has also given her brand more recognition worldwide.

That could be you. You could have those figures like the above, the web traffic & recognition.

At the end of the day, I can’t exactly tell you where to build your home, but personally, I think Pinterest is a great stepping-stone to your businesses success & is certainly a fitting place to grow a business empire.

Don’t forget to pin me! ↓