The Wallflower Creative

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How to create & use quizzes to explode your email list.

*Please note that this post contains affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward me a small commission – at no extra cost for you.

What is it about quizzes?

So some of you may have noticed that I recently added a new little addition to my website. By the way, for those of you reading this in 2021+, it's been on here for a while. But basically, I added a nifty feature that you all can interact with. 

That feature is called an interactive quiz, which you can take on my home page. To create this quiz, I collaborated with a quizzing company called ‘Interact’

They help numerous businesses & companies create interactive quizzes on their websites which helps them build up their email lists & have another avenue of selling products & courses. 

So if you’re looking for more exposure, more subscribes & more potential customers then this is a fun way to do so. 

If you’re interested in making a quiz for your blog or business but are still a bit hesitant, then don’t worry. Here I’ll explain the steps of how I made mine & why I made it.

How did I come up with my quiz topic?

Well, my business is orientated around Pinterest, so I wanted to make a quiz based around that but also make it fun for viewers like yourself to take. 

So if you’re a photographer, brand strategist or web designer etc. make sure you base your quiz topic around what you do. For example, for a web designer you could have your quiz topic as ‘what type of web designer are you?’. 

It’s that simple. Once you’ve decided on your topic & brainstormed through all your quiz titles, it is time for the next step. 

How did I map out all of my questions and results?

I mainly looked at other quizzes first before even mapping out my own. So to figure out what goes here & there I highly recommend that you look at other businesses quizzes & see how their process is. 

If you’re stuck on finding businesses that do quizzes, especially with Interact, then you can head on over to the Interact case studies where you’ll find different companies, in different niches using quizzes to help their business. 

What goal did I hope to reach with my quiz?

My goal was & still is to gain more subscribers to my email lists. But most importantly it’s to help those subscribers come to understand Pinterest more & how they can implement in their businesses. 

Want to know how I made my quiz? Well, carry on reading to find out.

Start with a template or from scratch? 

When creating a quiz with Interact, you have two options for creating your quiz. You can choose one of their numerous templates. One is fully set up for you where on the other hand you can start from scratch. 

I personally chose to start from scratch because none of the templates had anything to do with Pinterest unfortunately. But they did give me an idea of what I wanted mine to look like. 

But if you want to see the templates, you can click on that option & it will take you to a page of categories. For example:

Whichever one your business falls into, then you click on that category. From there it will take you to another page full of templates based around that category like in this picture below:

If you've found a template you like, click on that one & begin editing some of the questions & design into your style. 

Creating my cover page

The cover page is the first-page quiz takers see when they want to take your quiz. All you have to add to the page is the quiz title, a picture (preferably with one person in as they get more clicks according to Interact) & a brief description of your quiz.

Here is my cover page:

I didn’t add a person in as the theme of the picture goes well with the question. I also used a question instead of a description to entice quiz takers more.

How did I come up with my questions?

Well, first off I knew that I needed a mixture of questions.

As you know my quiz is called “What type of Pinterest queen are you, based on female icons today?”. So my quiz is for viewers to find out who they’re most compatible with (it's a personality quiz - I’ll explain about it later).

I knew that the quiz takers personality traits needed to be compatible with one of the ‘female icons’, but I also needed to know what strengths & problems they had in regards to my topic - which Pinterest. So they end up with the right results.

So to come up with your questions, think about your topic & think about what type of quiz you’re creating. If it's a personality quiz, then think of questions to do with personality traits.

Here is an example:

This now allows me to understand a little bit more about quiz taker & also helps me match up whether they are compatible to one of the ‘female icon’ results. 

How did I come up with my answers?

As for answers, you want to keep them short, sweet & simple. Some questions only need one-word answers. Then there are some that require short sentences. One thing I do advise is to add a little humour into your answers.

Like I’ve done here for an example:

If you add some humour, it’ll make the quiz taker want to carry on to the end of your quiz.

Another way for people to not only enjoy your quiz but want to carry on answering is through pictures.

Here is also another example of what I mean:

Viewers prefer visuals much more than words so try & use pictures as much as you can throughout your quiz. 

Why did I choose this particular quiz style?

So earlier I said I would explain more about the particular style of my quiz - which is a personality quiz.

What is a personality quiz? Basically, a personality quiz tells the quiz taker who they are or who they are most compatible with.

But there are 2 other styles you can pick:

“Assessment type” - This is the typical quiz that you had in your school days. It tests your knowledge on each question & there is only one right answer. For example: How much do you know about the Kardashians?

“Scored type” - In this quiz, every answer has a score value & each quiz taker will receive a score at the end of their results that corresponds to unique score. For example: What is your marketing IQ?

But for my quiz, I felt the personality quiz was perfect for me since I’m the type of gal that is obsessed with Buzzfeed quizzes. I love finding out which character am I from 'The Office' or if I’m more Beyonce or Rihanna (I live a sad life lol).

At the end of the day, people love finding out things about themselves. That's why people read horoscopes, get their palms read & obviously take quizzes. Us humans love to know something new or unknown about our inner ourselves.

So if you pick any of those styles, I definitely recommend going for the personality quiz.

How did I come up with my results?

So first I started thinking how am I going to structure out the end results? Since it’s a personality quiz, viewers are very curious to know who they are or who they’re most compatible with. And since my quiz is more about compatibility, I knew I need to start off with WHY the viewer is that person & WHAT they have in common. 

Then, I compared their strengths & weaknesses against the ‘female icon’ they got & how their strengths & weaknesses were showing when it came to Pinterest. 

Last but not least I then decided to conclude with a solution to the viewer’s Pinterest problem. I explained what they needed to level up, and how I could help them & then I added tailored freebies (checklists, course books etc.) to help them with the next step.

Where was I hoping to lead my audience from my results?

To my newsletter. My main goal at the end of this quiz is to help the quiz taker with their next step. So if they signed up for my newsletter at the end of my quiz, that means each week I’m still getting involved with them.

They get tips from me for free & they have the potential to become a future client. If not a client, then they also have the potential to be a great business friend who might be able to help me out in my business in the future.

Also, make sure before you even start creating your quiz you have a clear objective in mind of “what will this do for me?”. If you do, then you’ll surely be on your way to hitting your goal in no time.

What email marketing system do I use for my quiz?

I use MailChimp for my newsletters, so I also connected it with my quiz. But don’t worry, when you finally come to integrating your quiz, Interact gives you various email marketers. So you should be able to find yours & connect your account with Interact in a matter of five seconds. 

How did I segment my lists?

Once you’ve connected your email marketing system, you’ll be taken to the next step which is called “results”.

Here is a picture for you:

Here you can see on the side, all three of my results on each one, you’re going to give them “actions”.

What are these “actions”? They’re your first step to making your email sequence for each result.

You want to add your email list first, then add another action. A pop-up box will appear on the side that will look like this:

So you can see I have kept my email list in the first box but the second box is where things get a bit more complicated. Like the Matrix complicated. But since the explanation of segmenting is so long, especially for MailChimp, I’m attaching an article from Interact that helped me through my segmenting progress ONLY on MailChimp.

Link: How to Set Up an Email Series in MailChimp for Interact Quiz Results

This should help you setup your sequence in no time. 

Where on my website did I place my quiz?

When you’ve finished creating & designing your quiz you're going to click the “publish” button. From there it’ll give you a few options on where you would like to put your quiz on your website.

Here are the options:

I personally chose the announcement bar. I’m going, to be honest, its the easiest one to install on your site, so it's one of the reasons I chose that option.

But I also chose the bar because it's the first thing that you see at the top of my home page. I also liked the fact of having two CTA's which is the bar & my freebie pop-up. So if a viewer doesn’t take the quiz, then they have the option to sign up for my newsletter another way.

How did I decide to promote my quiz?

Social media. I mean really where-else is better to share it than online. Whether it be on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest, I shared my quiz wherever I could.

At the end of the day, you need to be sharing your quiz wherever your niche is. That way you know people are going to be taking it, sharing it & liking it.

If you want really promote your quiz, then I do suggest using Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest ads. That way they will definitely spread around your niche a lot more.

My Final Thoughts 

Overall I personally think & I said this earlier, if you want more exposure, more subscribes & more potential customers then this is a fun way to do so.

I highly recommend that you think about using quizzes to get more subscribers but to also show a fun side of your business to your niche. 

To learn more about Interact & how to create interactive quizzes, click on the link below to start your quizzing journey today. Good luck!

How to Make an Interactive Quiz

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