The Wallflower Creative

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How & why you should be branding your Pinterest

*Please note that this post contains affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward me a small commission – at no extra cost for you.

Why you’re not getting recognised on Pinterest 

Have you found that your monthly views, impressions & clicks are either going down or never moving from their comfort zone? That your follower count doesn’t move for weeks or your posting tons of amazing content but nobody’s engaging with it.

Then you find yourself falling down the rabbit hole searching endlessly for new strategies to help you.

Well, if you have, then that means there is a problem my friend. But don’t worry about it because today I’m going to teach you one thing you’ve been really missing out on & no! It’s not a long-winding strategy with complicated words that you won’t understand.

In fact, it’s something right up your creative streak.


Yup! That’s right, it is indeed branding. As us creatives know, branding is vital to our business. Why? It's because it represents who we are & what we're about.

With branding, it is vital that your brand is spread throughout your whole website, packaging, social media platforms & much more. But why is it then, when it comes to your Pinterest there is not a hint of branding on there.

All I keep seeing are clusters of pictures that are boarded together on Pinterest boards. There is no theme, no brand colours, fonts or sometimes, no branded profile pictures. So how can you change that? Well, it’s quite simple really, because today you’re going to learn how to create board covers.

Now, you're probably thinking what the heck is board covers!? Well, let me fill you in. Board covers are the front cover of each board you create on your Pinterest & they help not only give your Pinterest profile a WOW factor but also helps viewers learn about you & your business in a matter of seconds.

By the way, board covers may not solve all your web traffic problems in the matter of a flash, but they do contribute to helping you hit your web traffic goals in time.

They are the key to getting people to engage in your profile & take you as a serious & professional business. Trust me, these covers saves lives - in a more figurative sense.

So, are you ready to start branding your Pinterest? If so, then let’s get to it.

How to brand your Pinterest board covers

Step 1

First off, you want to open up either Canva, Photoshop or whichever graphics app you’re most comfortable with. For this example, I’m going to be using Canva

Step 2

Then you want to start by sizing it 600px x 600px  this is the best size because it won’t make your cover image blurry & it’s also mobile optimised. 

Step 3

Now, you want to keep the design as simple as possible, but you also want to keep it on brand. So you're going to want to use either one or two of your brand colours for the background. For my example I’m going to be using two colours.

Step 3.1

By the way, if you have two colours that you really want to use you can can use them in a pattern for your Pinterest profile instead like I’m doing. So it makes your profile a bit more unique. Here is an example of what I mean:

CREDIT: via Pinterest — Nesha Woolery

Just make sure if you do decide to have a pattern, that when you’re on your own Pinterest, there is an additional board at the top of all your boards. You cannot remove this board so when you’re doing a pattern, remember to count your boards in three’s - ignoring the default board.

To make sure your pattern is in place, try logging out of your business Pinterest profile & going on your personal or a friends Pinterest. Find your profile & from there you’ll see if your board cover pattern is correct or wrong.

Step 3.2

Also, if you want to add in any lines or shapes like I’ve done in mine then you can. This cover is your oyster - have fun with it! Just don’t add too much otherwise your profile is going to look more messy then it began with.

Step 4

After placing your brand colour in the background, you want to make sure your fonts are also branded. So whatever font(s) you use on your site, you can use here. Try sticking to one font because we don’t want to overcomplicate things. But you can mix it up with another font if that’s the way your fonts are branded in your business. For example, here is a one font cover & a example of a two font cover:

Step 5

Here you want to type in the name of the board. You need to name each cover the exact way you named the board. Like the example above.

Then voila you're done designing. All you got to do now is save each cover & go back to your Pinterest.

Step 6

Here you need to go into each board & click on the '+' sign in the top left corner. There it will come up with an option saying “create a pin”.

CREDIT: via Pinterest — Nesha Woolery

Step 7

From there you’ll be lead to a new page like the one below. Here you can either drag or click on the “drag or drop” box & click the option to “upload from computer”. Here you want to upload the cover for whatever board you’re in.

CREDIT: via Pinterest — Nesha Woolery

Step 8

Once it’s uploaded, you will need to go back to your profile page where all the boards are. You need to click on the little pencil icon which is on the bottom right corner of the board you just uploaded the cover too. You'll see a little button say "change" right next to a word that says “cover.”

CREDIT: via Pinterest — Nesha Woolery

Step 9

Click on the button & a new box will appear. Your cover should be the first picture that pops up (if it doesn’t try refreshing the page & going back over the step before this one). If you like the size, click on the button that says “save changes”.

CREDIT: via Pinterest — Nesha Woolery

Step 10

Then refresh your page & you’ll see your board cover as the big picture on your board.

And tada! Just like that, you got your first board cover done! Now it’s time to do the rest. So all you need too is repeat the same steps after you’ve designed all of your covers. Then your Pinterest profile should be looking glowed up & ready to slay away your viewers.

If you wish to create board covers like mine quickly and simply, then head on over to Canva as they have all the Pinterest templates and Pinterest pin sizes done for you so all you have to do at the end of the day is upload your design.

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