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How to Make Your Pinterest Boards Popular (and get tons of new followers)

So you want to make your Pinterest boards popular but, you don’t quite know how to do that. You find that your Pinterest boards aren’t attracting the target audience you want, even though you put in a lot of effort to create boards that are specifically designed for your niche in mind. 

Well, let me tell you, friend, this happens to all of us. Even me when I first started on Pinterest. Since learning Pinterest marketing, I’ve had plenty of learning curves over these past two years & I’ve used all of those mistakes to help out clients of my own avoid those same mistakes. 

But today I want to teach you three vital mistakes you’ve been making with your Pinterest boards that are stopping you from getting the following & popularity that you want. 

So first up is…

Board Titles

Your board titles are what’s going to make your boards searchable, hence making your boards popular. 

I see a lot of Pinners trying to come up with original & authentic board names that no one else has. Even though I admire the creativity, it’s not going to help you if you want your board to be in the top 10 on the Pinterest search engine.

That being said, you don’t have to be a stickler to the rules or tips that I’m mentioning. It’s okay to have some boards with creative names just not your most vital ones. 

Your board titles are all about keywords. What you need to have are searchable names that are used most when searching for specific topics. For example:

Say I want to make a Pinterest board with all sorts of Pinterest blog content in & I have to choose between one of these three titles below, which one do you think would be best? 

  1. All things Pinterest 

  2. Pinterest Marketing Tips & Tricks 

  3. Pinterest Strategy Tips 

Well, if you picked two, then that is the correct title to use. But so is the third one. Both have the word Pinterest but also have the words like marketing or strategy in them because that’s what Pinners type in most in the search engine for when they’re looking for Pinterest content. 

But how do you find out what keywords your audience searches up the most? 

Well, that leads me to my next tip.

Board Descriptions 

You board descriptions also needs keywords for them to be searchable. These keywords are going to help the Pinterest algorithm notice your boards & start showing them off to others who might be interested in the particular topic. 

So where do you find them? 

Luckily for you, my friend, I wrote a FREE SEO survival guide recently that explains in detail about keywords, where to find them & what type of keywords you need to be using. Sign up below to get your hands on a free copy as I’m sure it’ll come in handy with all your Pinterest SEO needs. 

One hint I will give though; is that the search bar is your best friend. 

Another thing I will say you need to add in your board descriptions besides keywords is one or two sweet & short sentences of what your boards are all about. It helps your audience understand the purpose of your board & it also gives them a chance to connect with you a little. 

Board Sections

Lastly, we have board sections. If you don’t know what they’re, it’s basically another board within your board. Sounds a bit like Inception for a second but you get the gist. They’re usually found, at the top of your Pinterest board.

These sections are a great secret weapon when it comes to SEO. It gives your boards more of a chance to get picked up by the Pinterest algorithm. This is because your Pinterest board sections also have board titles (so like I talked about earlier, be smart with what board titles you use & use my SEO guide to help you out with that, trust me, it’ll make life a lot easier for you).  

The unfortunate thing about board sections is that you can’t schedule pins to go in them as you would with your usual, normal Pinterest boards if you use Tailwind or any scheduling tool like me. You can only manually add into them. 

But a hot tip I will give you is board sections are great for breaking content up into sections. Especially in your mainboard where you have your own blog content or products. 

So if you have online courses, digital products, freebies or even YouTube videos, create board sections dedicated to each one. That way your audience can easily get to that content without spending hours searching for one specific piece of content. 

So are you ready to get popular? 

Of course, you’re! If you use the three Pinterest tips that I’ve mentioned in this blog post & I’m sure you will, you’ll find that your boards will be popping up in other Pinners Pinterest in no time & your following numbers shall start skyrocketing through the roof! 

Let me know in the comments below or via email if this blog post has helped you. Don’t forget to connect with me on Pinterest & share this post with others. 

Happy pinning! 

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